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Finding a Record in a Grid

Individual records within a grid can be located by searching for one or more key words displayed in the grid. For example, the Reports grid can be searched to find a report with a certain word or phrase included in the report title or the employee's Transaction Grid can be searched for a specific date or pay code.

To search for a record in a grid, complete the following steps:

Set the cursor focus on the grid by moving the cursor onto the grid and then right-clicking. If there are multiple cards (such as in the employee TCS), make sure the cursor is in the correct card and then right-click.

  1. Hold down the <Ctrl> key in the keyboard while clicking the F key.

    The Find screen is displayed to enter search values.

  2. Enter a key word or phrase in the field. Other values displayed in the grid can be searched for, including numbers.
  3. Click on the Next key to find the first time the word or number appears in the grid. Continue clicking on the Next button until the entry is found. Click on the Previous button to navigate back to the entries located on the grid before the current entry.
  4. When finished searching, click on the Close icon in the upper right hand corner of the box to close the Find screen.

Note: When finding a record within a Search results listing, only the values that are visible on the open card are included in the search.