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Time Card Screen (TCS) Information Cards

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The Requests section displays requests for this employee. These requests can either be submitted by the employee (through the badge reader or the portal), or by an authorized user.

Separate cards contain information on requests that have a status of Requested, Pending Review, Approved, or Denied. Click the card arrow to open the card and then to open the records within the cards. Within these cards are additional cards grouping the requests by Type (Calendar, Clocking, Adjustment, Unavailability, denied, or canceled)

From the Pay Period selected, the following rules determine what request information to load:

The supervisor can change the status of requests by clicking on the action icon to the left of the request and selecting the appropriate action from the list. Employees are notified on the Home page when the status of a request has been updated. More About Request Status Codes

The following icons may be displayed on the Requests screen:

Actions Menu

Click on this icon to the left of the record to complete an action for the highlighted line. The action available depends on the type of transaction highlighted. Hover the cursor over the icon to display a tool tip describing the action that is available (e.g. delete, handle, etc.).

Multiple Entries

This icon indicates there are multiple entries included in the request.


Hover the cursor over this icon to view the reason of the request. This icon may be attached to request icons.

* Add Adjustment

* Edit Adjustment

* Delete Adjustment

These icons indicate a request to add, edit or delete an adjustment transaction.

Green color coding indicates the adjustment will pass to the payroll interface, red indicates it will not pass, and gray indicates it has not yet been determined.


*Add Calendar

*Edit Calendar

*Delete Calendar

These icons indicate a request to add, edit or delete a calendar transaction.


*Add Clocking

*Edit Clocking

*Delete Clocking

These icons indicate a request to add, edit or delete a clocking transaction.

*Add IN Punch

*Edit IN Punch

*Delete IN Punch

These icons indicate a request to add, edit or delete a clocking IN punch

*Add OUT Punch

*Edit OUT Punch

*Delete OUT Punch

These icons indicate a request to add, edit or delete a clocking OUT punch.