Parent Topic

Update or Create a Core Staffing Template

A Core Staffing Template needs to be defined for organization units using Core Staffing by Activity Code. If one is not defined, the Self Schedule screen will have no values displayed and the Activity Balancing Grid on the Schedule screen will always show an overstaffing situation.

To set up the template for an organization unit, regardless of whether Coverage or Activity Code mode is used, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Configuration section > Scheduling card > Core Staffing Template screen.
  2. You can search for and update an existing Core Staffing Template or you can click Add to add a new template.

    Refer to your existing practices, your system administrator, or the online help to assist with adding a new Core Staffing Template.

  3. When finished adding or updating, click Save.
  4. Move to the next section, Create a Core Staffing Plan.