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Has Information Exceptions

This Employee LaborView lists employees who have one or more exception message that are coded as being "Informational".

Although the exception does not have an impact on the payment of hours for the employee, it alerts a condition is present that may need action, for example the employee badged at an unassigned badge reader.

The following fields or icons may be available on the screen:




Open Employee

Click on the folder icon to the left of a record to open the Employee record of the selected employee(s).

Carbon Copy this employee's timecard

Click on the Carbon Copy icon to open a screen to search for a supervisor to send a copy of this time card.

Selection Box

Check this box to select records and then click on an action button in the left pane. For example, to approve certain time cards, check the box to the left of each record to approve and then click on the Approve button.



When a supervisor opens and views an employee record a check mark is displayed in the Open column. If another supervisor views the Employee LaborView record for the same employee, the check mark is not displayed unless that supervisor opens and views the record.

This check mark remains visible until the employee's data is calculated and finalized.

The following Lock icons may be displayed:

Locks can only be removed by the user who enabled them, or by a user with a system role of Administrator or Controller.




Courtesy Lock

This lock indicates a user has taken responsibility for handling this specific employee time card record. The record is still accessible and editable by other users.

Employee Lock

This lock indicates a user has locked the timecard information in this employee record. Certain action options in the employee record are also disabled. The record can be accessed in Read-Only mode.

Supervisor Lock

This lock indicates that a lock was placed on all the employee records of a selected supervisor from the Supervisor LaborView screen. This is used when closing a payroll for processing.

The following icons may be displayed in the Role Level Category column:




Editing Supervisor

This icon indicates that the supervisor has Editing Supervisor rights to the employee.

Read Only Supervisor

This icon indicates that the supervisor has Read Only Supervisor rights to the employee.


Approving Supervisor

If there is no icon in this field, this means that the supervisor has Approving Supervisor rights to the employee.

The following icons may be displayed under the Status column:





This status indicates all modifications to data or new information from input devices has been processed on this report. However, this record has not been approved.


The approving user has reviewed the report and approved it for payroll processing. Once approved, secondary editors may no longer edit the report. Only the approving supervisor can edit the report after is has been approved.


A user has made changes to the report and the changes have been transmitted to the time and attendance application for processing. After the system has processed these changes, the report status displays as Finalized.


The employee has a terminated status. Hover the cursor over the icon to display the termination date.

The following Exception icons may be displayed:




Critical Exception

Indicates a serious issue with an employee timecard. The timecard cannot be approved until this exception has been resolved. An example of a critical exception is "An Odd Clocking was detected".

Warning Exception

Indicates a moderate issue in an employee timecard. The timecard can still be approved. An example of a warning exception is "Hours reported in excess of Approved Hours in the pay period."

Informational Exception

Indicates a relatively minor issue in an employee timecard. The timecard can still be approved if this exception is not resolved. An example of an informational exception would be if an employee clocked in at an unauthorized badge reader.

Pending Exception

Alerts the supervisor that there will be an exception in the future if the employee's time card data does not change. The system assumes that each time it calculates a time card will be the last time, and so the message is displayed each time the calculations process is done.

The actual (non-pending) exception icon will be displayed the day after the record date, which may be too late to resolve or prevent the exception.

Note: All pending exceptions in the system are custom programmed.