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Viewing Record Audits

The Audits button in the left pane opens a screen to view changes to records in the open page. The audit trail displays information on additions, edits and deletions, including the date and time the change was made, the type of change (inserted, updated, deleted), the description of the change, the name of the person making the change, and the original and new values.

The audit records can be grouped and sorted by one of the following options: application, audit date, audit description, classification, or who modified. To change the sort, click the drop down arrow near the Group By field in the Audit List Actions to open the record, then select the grouping from the list.

Group by Application

Groups the audit records by the application where the changes were made.

Group by Audit Date

Groups all the audits by the date when changes were made.

Group by Audit Description

Groups the audit report by the description of the edits that were made.

Group by Classification

Groups the audit records by whether the record was inserted, updated, or deleted.

Group by Who Modified

Groups the audit records by the user who made the updates.