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Education Notifications

The Education Notifications are available to send alerts to employees regarding the Education Tracking application.

The following topics are available on this page:

AdminClassFilled--Class Filled To Capacity (Admin)

ClassCanceled--Class Status Changed

ClassCanclPrereq--Class Canceled - Missing Course Prerequisites

ClassClsRoomChg--Class Classroom Change

ClassEnrollWDraw--Class Enrollee Withdraws

ClassesPending--Classes Pending

ClassPosted--Class Status Changed

ClassResrcChange--Class Resource Changed

ClassStatResLim--Class Status Changed

ClassTimeChg--Class Time Change

ClsRestPendPost--Class Status Changed

ClsLimitPendPost--Class Status Changed

ClsRoomCapacity--Classroom Capacity Decreases

ClsRoomInactive--Classroom Inactivated

ClsRoomOwnerChg--Classroom Owner Change

CourseInactive--Course Inactivated

CrsCatMissingEd--Course Category Change - Missing Education Requirements

CrsConstraintChg--Course Constraint Days Changed - Missing Course Prerequisites

CrsWClsAfterInac--Courses With Class(es) After Inactive Date

CurContChgMissEd--Curriculum Content Change - Missing Education Requirements

CurContInsMissEd--Curriculum Content Change - Missing Education Requirements

EmpClassConflict--Employee Conflicting Classes

EmpClassInstrChg--Class Instructor Change (Employee)

EmpClassReminder--Employee Class Reminder

EmpCourseNotQual--Employee Course Not Qualified

EmpCurChgMissEd--Employee Curriculum Change - Missing Education Requirements

EmpCuricEffEdReq--Employee Curriculum Effective - Missing Education Requirements (Employee)

EmpLDEffEdReq--Labor Distribution Effective - Education Requirements (Employee)

EmpLicCreate--Employee License Auto Created

EmpLicCreateMgr--Employee License Auto Created (Supervisor)

EmpManEdReqRel--Missing Education Requirements (Employee)

EmpManEdReqStnd--Missing Education Requirements (Employee)

EmpNManEdReqRel--Missing Education Requirements (Employee)

EmpNManEdReqStnd--Missing Education Requirements (Employee)

InsClassFilled--Class Filled To Capacity (Instructor)

InsClassInstrChg--Class Instructor Change (Instructor)

InvalidClass--Invalid Class Setup

LDChgMissEd--Labor Distribution Change - Missing Education Requirements

MisEdReqRelMgr--Missing Education Requirements (Manager)

MissingEdReqMgr--Missing Education Requirements (Manager)

MissingPrereqs--Employee Class - Missing Course Prerequisites

PrereqsChanged--Prerequisites Changed - Missing Course Prerequisites

ResrcDecrCrsCls--Resource Units Available Decreases

ResrcDecrTime--Resource Units Available Decreases

ResrcInactivated--Resource Inactivated

ResrcOwnerChange--Resource Owner Changed

WithdrawPreq--Class Enrollee Withdraws - Missing Course Prerequisites

The following related topics are available:

Device Notifications

Employee Transaction Notifications

License Notifications

Processes Notifications

Schedule Incentive Notifications

Self Scheduling Notifications

System Notifications

Time and Attendance Notifications

AdminClassFilled--Class Filled To Capacity (Admin)

This notification informs an administrator that a scheduled class has been filled to capacity. Any classes that the administrator has access to, that have reached enrollment capacity; will be included in this notification. Users included in this notification are any employees that would be responsible for scheduling classes.

Note: This is an immediate notification.

ClassCanceled--Class Status Changed

This notification immediately informs a user when a scheduled class has been canceled. Employees included in this notification are any employee scheduled in a class that has been canceled, and the scheduled instructors for any class that has been canceled.

ClassCanclPrereq--Class Canceled - Missing Course Prerequisites

This notification immediately informs a user when a class is canceled and enrolled employees have future classes that depend on this class being taken to fulfill prerequisite requirements. Users included in this notification are any employee scheduled in a class that has been canceled causing them to not meet their prerequisites for a future class or the manager(s) of these employees.

ClassClsRoomChg--Class Classroom Change

This notification immediately informs users when a scheduled class has been moved to another classroom. Users included in this notification are any employees scheduled in a class that has been changed, and the scheduled instructors for any class that has been changed.

ClassEnrollWDraw--Class Enrollee Withdraws

This notification immediately informs a user when a scheduled attendee for a class has withdrawn his/her enrollment in the class. Users included in this notification are any instructors for the scheduled class and any supervisors for the employee that has withdrawn from the scheduled class.

ClassesPending--Classes Pending

This notification informs a user when a class is marked with a status of Pending and is X days from today’s date. Employees included in this notification are any employees that would be responsible for scheduling classes.

Note: This is a scheduled notification executed once per day. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the EDScheduled task.

ClassPosted--Class Status Changed

This notification immediately informs a user when a class is marked with a status of Posted. Employees included in this notification are any employees that would request or attend classes.

ClassResrcChange--Class Resource Changed

This notification immediately informs users when the resources have changed for a class that is scheduled within the next week. Users included in this notification are any employees that would be responsible for scheduling classes.

ClassStatResLim--Class Status Changed

This notification immediately notifies a user when a class status is changed from Restricted to Limited. Users included in this notification are any employee that has a curriculum assigned requiring the course and either does not have the requirement fulfilled or the required course is set to expire within 30 days.

ClassTimeChg--Class Time Change

This notification immediately informs a user when a scheduled date and/or time for a class are changed. Users included in this notification are employees currently scheduled for the class and instructors scheduled for the class.

ClsRestPendPost--Class Status Changed

This notification informs a user when a class status is changed from Restricted to Pending or a class status is changed from Restricted to Posted, and the class is now opening for self-scheduling. Users included in this notification are any employees that have a curriculum assigned requiring the course and either does not have the requirement fulfilled or the required course is set to expire within 30 days.

ClsLimitPendPost--Class Status Changed

This notification immediately informs a user when a class status is changed from Limited to Pending, or a class status is changed from Limited to Posted, and the class is now opening for self-scheduling. Employees included in this notification are any employee that has a curriculum assignment requiring the course and either does not have the requirement fulfilled, or the required course is set to expire within 30 days.

ClsRoomCapacity--Classroom Capacity Decreases

This notification immediately informs a user when a classroom being used for a future class decreases in capacity and the enrollment for the class is greater than the new capacity. Users included in this notification are any employees that would be responsible for scheduling classes.

ClsRoomInactive--Classroom Inactivated

This notification immediately informs a user when a classroom is set from Active to Inactive AND the classroom is assigned to any courses/classes in the future. Users included in this notification are any employees that would be responsible for scheduling classes.

ClsRoomOwnerChg--Classroom Owner Change

This notification immediately informs users when the owner of a classroom has changed. This may cause the classroom to be incompatible with other assigned classrooms, or any resources previously assigned to the classroom being changed. This might cause any classes scheduled in the future for this classroom to be invalid and should be checked. Users included in this notification are any employees that would be responsible for scheduling classes.

CourseInactive--Course Inactivated

This notification immediately informs a user when an inactive date has been applied to a course AND classes for the course are scheduled after the inactive date. Users included in this notification are any employees that would be responsible for scheduling classes.

CrsCatMissingEd--Course Category Change - Missing Education Requirements

This notification immediately informs a user when a category has had a course change AND an employee’s current transactions do meet the new requirements. Users included in this notification are any employees that have an assigned category change AND are no longer able to work assigned positions because educational requirements have not been met.

CrsConstraintChg--Course Constraint Days Changed - Missing Course Prerequisites

This notification is immediately sent when the course constraint days is changed so that the constraint period is shortened. Users included in this notification are any employees scheduled for classes that do not meet the prerequisites within the new constraint period and their manager(s).

CrsWClsAfterInac--Courses With Class(es) After Inactive Date

This notification informs a user when an inactive date has been applied to a course AND classes for the course are scheduled past the inactive date. Users included in this notification are any employees that would schedule classes.

Note: This is a scheduled notification executed once per day. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the EDScheduled task.

CurContChgMissEd--Curriculum Content Change - Missing Education Requirements

This notification immediately informs a user when the content for a curriculum has changed and the employee is no longer eligible to work one or more assigned positions because the employee has not met educational requirements for the assigned position. Users included in this notification are any employees that are assigned to a position with a curriculum that has been changed AND the employee’s education transactions do not fulfill the additional course, competency, or category requirements.

CurContInsMissEd--Curriculum Content Change - Missing Education Requirements

This notification immediately informs a user when the content has been added for a curriculum and the employee is no longer eligible to work one or more assigned positions because the employee has not met educational requirements for the assigned position. Employees included in this notification are any employees that are assigned a position with a curriculum that has had content added AND the employee’s education transactions do not fulfill the additional course, competency, or category requirements.

EmpClassConflict--Employee Conflicting Classes

This notification informs users when they have signed up for two or more classes that overlap. The user must adjust his or her request for one or more of the conflicting classes. Users included in this notification are any employees that have a conflict between two or more classes.

Note: This is a scheduled notification executed once per week. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the EDScheduled task.

EmpClassInstrChg--Class Instructor Change (Employee)

This notification immediately notifies a user when the instructor for a scheduled class has been changed. Users included in this notification are any employees scheduled to attend the class.

EmpClassReminder--Employee Class Reminder

This notification informs a user when they have a class enrollment for the next week. Employees included in this notification are any employees that are enrolled in a class for the next week.

Note: This is a scheduled notification executed once per week. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the EDScheduled task.

EmpCourseNotQual--Employee Course Not Qualified

This notification notifies a user of any unfulfilled direct course assignments causing the employee to be unqualified to work any positions. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have direct course assignments.

Note: This is a scheduled notification executed once per day. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the EDScheduled task.

EmpCurChgMissEd--Employee Curriculum Change - Missing Education Requirements

This notification immediately informs a user when an employee curriculum changes AND the employee’s current transactions do not fulfill the requirements of the new curriculum. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have a change to a curriculum assigned and do not meet the new requirements of the curriculum.

EmpCuricEffEdReq--Employee Curriculum Effective - Missing Education Requirements (Employee)

This notification immediately informs a user when an employee curriculum becomes effective AND the employee’s current transactions do not fulfill the requirements of the new curriculum. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have a new curriculum added to their record and do not meet the requirements of the new curriculum.

EmpLDEffEdReq--Labor Distribution Effective - Education Requirements (Employee)

This notification informs a user when the employee has a position that has become effective and the employee is missing education requirements to work the position. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have a position that becomes effective and the employee is missing education requirements in the added position.

Note: This is a scheduled notification executed once per day. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the EDScheduled task.

EmpLicCreate--Employee License Auto Created

This notification immediately informs a user when a license record is automatically created for them based on completion of education requirements. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have a license created as a result of the Generate License process.

EmpLicCreateMgr--Employee License Auto Created (Supervisor)

This notification immediately informs supervisors when a license record is automatically created for one of their employees based on completion of education requirements. Supervisors included in this notification are any when one or more of their employees have a license created as a result of the Generate License process.

EmpManEdReqRel--Missing Education Requirements (Employee)

This notification informs a user when an employee is not eligible to work an assigned relief position due to missing mandatory education requirements. Users included in this notification are any employees that have unfulfilled mandatory education requirements for an effective relief position.

Note: This is a scheduled notification executed once per week or month. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the EDScheduled task.

EmpManEdReqStnd--Missing Education Requirements (Employee)

This notification informs a user when an employee is not eligible to work an assigned Standard Position due to missing mandatory education requirements. Users included in this notification are any employees that have unfulfilled mandatory education requirements for an effective Standard Position.

Note: This is a scheduled notification executed once per week or month. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the EDScheduled task.

EmpNManEdReqRel--Missing Education Requirements (Employee)

This notification informs a user when an employee has an assigned Relief Position with missing non-mandatory education requirements. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have unfulfilled non-mandatory education requirements for an effective Relief Position.

Note: This is a scheduled notification executed once per week or month. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the EDScheduled task.

EmpNManEdReqStnd--Missing Education Requirements (Employee)

This notification informs a user when an employee has an assigned Standard Position with missing non-mandatory education requirements. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have unfulfilled non-mandatory education requirements for an effective Standard Position.

Note: This is a scheduled notification executed once per week or month. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the EDScheduled task.

InsClassFilled--Class Filled To Capacity (Instructor)

This notification immediately informs a user when one of their classes has been filled to capacity. Users included in this notification are any instructors for the class.

InsClassInstrChg--Class Instructor Change (Instructor)

This notification immediately informs a user when the instructor for a class is added or deleted. Users included in this notification are any instructors that are either added as the instructor for a class or removed from a class from which they are currently listed as the instructor.

InvalidClass--Invalid Class Setup

This notification informs a user when a class contains invalid information such as classrooms that do not fit together or resources that are not available to the classroom AND the class status is not set to Canceled. Employees included in this notification are any employees that are responsible for scheduling classes.

Note: This is a scheduled notification executed once per week or month. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the EDScheduled task.

LDChgMissEd--Labor Distribution Change - Missing Education Requirements

This notification immediately informs a user when a position has been added to an employee but the employee is not eligible to work this new position because the employee lacks education requirements. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have a position added AND lack the requirements for that new position.

MisEdReqRelMgr--Missing Education Requirements (Manager)

This notification informs an employee when employees have not fulfilled mandatory education requirements for relief positions. Employees included in this notification are education administrators or managers that have employees who are missing mandatory education requirements for relief positions.

Note: This is a scheduled notification executed once per day. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the EDScheduled task.

MissingEdReqMgr--Missing Education Requirements (Manager)

This notification informs users when employees have not fulfilled mandatory education requirements for non-relief positions. Employees included in this notification are education administrators or managers that have employees who are missing mandatory education requirements for non-relief positions.

Note: This is a scheduled notification executed once per day. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the EDScheduled task.

MissingPrereqs--Employee Class - Missing Course Prerequisites

This notification informs a user when the prerequisites for an employee’s scheduled class have not been met. Users included in this notification are any employees that are missing prerequisites OR any managers that have employees missing prerequisites. Note : This is a scheduled notification executed once per day. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the EDScheduled task.

PrereqsChanged--Prerequisites Changed - Missing Course Prerequisites

This notification immediately informs a user when the prerequisites for a parent course have been changed, causing enrollees of that course to be missing prerequisites. Users included in this notification are any employees that are missing prerequisites due to the change OR any managers that have employees that are now missing prerequisites.

ResrcDecrCrsCls--Resource Units Available Decreases

This notification immediately informs a user when a resource Number Available value is decreased and the value of the resources required for a course or class exceeds the new value. Employees included in this notification are any employees that are responsible for scheduling classes.

ResrcDecrTime--Resource Units Available Decreases

This notification immediately informs a user when a resource Number Available value is decreased and this causes resource conflicts for a time range in the future. There are not enough resources for the requirements of classes scheduled during this time range. Employees included in this notification are any employees that are responsible for scheduling classes.

ResrcInactivated--Resource Inactivated

This notification immediately informs a user when the Active flag for a resource is changed to No AND the resource is assigned to a course or class scheduled in the future. This would mark the resource as Inactive and not useable. Users included in this notification are any users that are responsible for scheduling classes.

ResrcOwnerChange--Resource Owner Changed

This notification immediately informs an employee when the owner of a resource has changed AND the resource is assigned to a course or class scheduled in the future. For example: If the link level for classroom is set to Facility, and a resource is currently assigned to Facility 1, when the resource is changed to Facility 2, this notification informs employees of this change when it may affect classes that are scheduled using this resource. Users included in this notification are any employees that are responsible for scheduling classes.

WithdrawPreq--Class Enrollee Withdraws - Missing Course Prerequisites

This notification is sent when an employee withdraws or is withdrawn from a class and future classes depend on this class being taken to fulfill prerequisite requirements. Recipients are any users with data access to the employee.