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Rotating Schedule

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Creating an Employee Rotating Schedule

To create a rotating schedule for an employee, complete the following steps:

Set up the General Information

  1. Open the Employee record. From the Employee Section buttons, select the Rotating Schedule option.
  2. Under the Rotating Schedule Actions in the left pane, click on the Add button.
  3. Enter the Effective Date when this rotating schedule is to begin. Use the calendar in the right pane or type in the date.
  4. Enter the Expiration Date of this rotating schedule, if applicable. If this rotation has no pre-set expiration date, leave this field blank.
  5. Enter the Number of Weeks to complete a rotation cycle for this employee. The system will replicate the rotation to fill all weeks of the scheduling period.
  6. In the Begin Week Number field, enter the number of the week that is to be assigned to the week containing the Effective Date.
  7. Enter a Description to identify this rotation schedule. Note: An employee can have more than one rotation schedule, for example, a different rotation during the summer months from the rest of the year.
  8. If an employee has been assigned to a rotating schedule template, the Rotating Schedule Template Code is displayed. Note: These templates are created and assigned to employees in the Configuration section>Scheduling card>Rotating Schedule Template screen. A template can be assigned to an employee and then modified in the employee record.
  9. Save the record.

Set up the Rotations Grid

Click on the Rotation button in the left pane to select the days to configure the rotating calendar. The grid shows the rotation for the indicated Number of Weeks, as entered in the General screen.

Select the days to add either Core Schedules, Preferred Schedules, Preference Overrides or Pay Codes. Note: When multiple days are selected, all days will be given the same information. To assign different actions to different days, select one set of days to set up, then set up the second set of matching days, and continue until all days are set up.

Enter Core Schedules

Core schedules are populated when the scheduling process is run and the Auto Schedule selection style pass specifies Core Schedules. The profile/activity codes in this rotation are populated when the employee meets all qualifications and has a valid position.

  1. Select the cells to be assigned the SAME activity code and profile combination (using one of the methods described below).
  2. Click on the Add Activity button to add a core schedule for this employee.
  3. Enter the Position Code and Profile Code to assign to the employee on the selected days.
  4. Enter the Activity Code to be assigned to the employees on the selected days.
  5. If applicable, enter the Organization Unit where this employee should be scheduled.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. If an employee has other activity code/profile combinations to be set as core schedules, repeat steps 1-5.
  8. The core schedules are indicated by the core schedule icon .

Select Preferred Days

Preferred Days are populated when the scheduling process is run and the Auto Schedule selection style pass specifies Core Staffing Plan or Staffing Plan. The schedules in this rotation are populated when the employee has the day selected in the rotation grid, meets all qualifications, and there is a Need in the schedule for the employee.

  1. Select the days of the week during the rotation cycle that the employee prefers to work.
  2. Click on the Set Preferred button to select these days. They are indicated by the Preferred icon on the rotation grid. The scheduling preferences to be populated on these days are taken from the employee's Schedule Preferences screen.

    Note: For more information, see the Employee record>Employee Section buttons>Schedule Preferences.

Select Preferred Overrides

After selecting the Set Preferred button, a message appears saying "The employee's default schedule preferences will be used for the selected days; override schedule preferences do not exist." To set specific activity codes or parameters to limit the activities an employee is scheduled on the selected days, a Preferred Override can be set up on this screen.

Preferred Days are populated when the scheduling process is run and the Auto Schedule selection style pass specifies Core Staffing Plan or Staffing Plan. The override profile/activity codes in this rotation are populated when the employee has the day selected in the rotation, meets all qualifications, and there is a Need in the schedule for the employee.

Note: Not all fields in this screen need to be completed. For example, if an Activity Code is entered as a preference, the Start Time and Hours Value are already built into the activity code. If an employee wants to work a 10-Hour activity code, but doesn't care about the start time, the employee can enter 10 in the Length field. Any fields left blank work as a "wild card" and the employee can be assigned any available schedule that doesn't conflict with values entered in this screen.

To set specific profile/activity code combinations for specific days, complete the following steps:

  1. Highlight the date in the rotation by clicking on the heading.
  2. Click on the Set Preferred button in the left pane. A message appears stating the default preferences will be used.
  3. Click on the Add button in the left pane.
  4. Enter the Position Code and Activity Code the employee wants to work on the selected Preferred days OR enter the Start Time and Hour Value or Shift Length (Hours) value for a more flexible range of activity codes.
  5. Click on the Save button to save this record.
  6. Preferred Overrides are displayed on the rotation grid with the Preferred with Override Preferences icon .

Add Pay Code

To set a recurring pay code assignment for specific days, complete the following steps:

  1. Highlight the date in the rotation by clicking on the heading.
  2. From the left pane, select the Add Pay Code button.
  3. Enter the Pay Code, the Start Time and the Shift Length (Hours) of the pay code.
  4. Save the record. The selected days display the Core Pay Code icon Pay Code . Note in the example below, two different rotation options can be added to the same day in the rotation grid.

The following related topics are available:



Steps for Creating a Selection Style to Enable Rotating Schedules

Selecting a Single Cell

To select a single cell to assign a rotating schedule, complete the following steps:

Note: Clicking on the upper cell border alternately highlights and removes the highlight of a cell.

Selecting Multiple Adjacent Days

To select multiple adjacent days to assign the same core or preferred schedule, complete the following steps:

  1. Position the cursor on the border at the top of the first cell of the range.
  2. Right-click to set the focus.
  3. Hold down the <Shift> key on the keyboard, and then click on the upper border of the last cell in the range.
  4. The cell color of the entire range of cells is highlighted to indicate they have been selected.
  5. In the left pane, select the Employee Rotating Schedule Action (Add Activity, Set Preferred, Add Pay Code)

Selecting Multiple Non-Adjacent Days

To select multiple non-adjacent days to assign the same core or preferred schedule, complete the following steps:

  1. Position the cursor on the border at the top of the first cell of the range.
  2. Right-click to set the focus.
  3. Hold down the <Control> key on the keyboard, and then click on the upper border of each of the cells to include.
  4. To remove the highlighting from a specific cell, click on it again.
  5. The color of the cells is highlighted to indicate they have been selected.
  6. In the left pane, select the Employee Rotating Schedule Action (Add Activity, Set Preferred, Add Pay Code)