If there is no end gap between the last group
End Day and the
Self Schedule End Advance Days, only employees who are assigned to Self Schedule Groups are allowed to self schedule.The number of days before the start of a scheduling period that locks that scheduling period from self scheduling. This is intended to allow the manager time to review and post the scheduling period before re-opening it up to employees for shift trading and/or offering.
The number of days before the start of a scheduling period when this group can no longer access self scheduling. This value must be greater than or equal to the Self Schedule End Advance days parameter value and less than the corresponding Begin Days value within the Self Schedule Group Order Table.
Note: When there is a gap of time between the lowest End Day value in the Self Schedule Group Order Table and the Self Schedule End Advanced Days value, all employees who are allowed to self schedule may do so, including those in Self Schedule Groups.
Note: The profiles included in each Self Schedule Group have the matching code set up on
Profile Parameter Self Scheduling Standard Alpha 1 field. Additional employees can be included by entering the Self Schedule Group code in
Employee Labor Distribution Parameter Self Scheduling Standard Alpha 1.
Employee Labor Distribution Parameter Self Scheduling Standard Alpha 1 is used to assign an employee directly to a schedule group. The value entered in this field will override the schedule group assigned to an employee's matching profile.
The employee will only have access to the self scheduling feature during the time frames assigned to the schedule group entered in this field, and will not have access to the self scheduling feature during the time frame assigned to the schedule group of the matching profile.
Valid Values:
Any alphanumeric value that matches a value entered into the Code field of the Self Schedule Group Order Table.
Note: This parameter is found in the Employee record section>Employee Sections>Labor Distribution screen>Parameters tab.
Profile Parameter Self Scheduling Standard Alpha 1 is used to create Profile Groups used with the Schedule Group Order Table. The group name is also entered into the table in the Code field. All profiles that are assigned the group name via this parameter will have access to the self scheduling screens during the time frame set up on the table.
Valid values:
Any alphanumeric value.
Note: The value entered here must exactly match a value set up on the Self Schedule Group Order Table. There is no look up value or validation done on parameters to verify that this matches a Self Scheduling Group Code.