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Qualification Rules (Scheduling Assistant Call Off)

The Qualification Rules button opens a screen displaying the rules used for each pass of the Schedule Assistant Call Off wizard.

When the Hide When Run box is checked, users cannot see nor change the setting options for this rule when running the Schedule Assistant wizard. Therefore, the settings and values set up on this page are used whenever this rule is selected. For example, if the Approved Hours rule is selected, when the Pay Period Variance field is set to Hide When Run, the number of hours entered in this screen is always used as a selection criterion with this rule. If the Hide When Run box is NOT checked, the user can enter the number of hours of variance each time the wizard is run.

When the Hide When Run box is NOT checked, default values are optional, and the user can modify the values in this field when running the Scheduling Assistant wizard. Note: When running the wizard, these same fields are available and must be given values. If default values are not set up in this screen, the user must complete the fields each time the wizard is run. Therefore, default values are recommended.

The following Qualification Rules are available with the Scheduling Assistant Call Off option. Click on the link below to navigate to the description:

Approved Hours


Employee Class

Employees Home Organization Unit

Employee Home Shift


Is Active

Job Class Permissions

Offered Schedules

Overtime Hours

Pool Code

Position Classification

Position Permissions


Profile Permissions

Schedule Overlap

Scheduled Activity

The following additional section options are available in the left pane:

Adding a Call Off Selection Style

Selection Rule (Scheduling Assistant Call Off)

Sorting Rules (Scheduling Assistant Call Off)