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Supervisor Assignment

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Steps for Adding a Supervisor Assignment to a User

The following summarizes the steps required to set up a user as a supervisor from the Configuration section. Each step is explained in more detail below.

Step 1: Add the Required Supervisor Roles to the User's Employee Record

Step 2: Set up the User with a Supervisor Assignment

Step 3: Assign Access to the Selected Organization Unit(s)

Step 4: Assign Access to Specific Employees

Step 1: Add the Required Supervisor Roles to the User's Employee Record

  1. From the Employee section, use the Employee Search criteria to locate the employee record of the user.
  2. Click on the Roles button in the Employee Sections.
  3. Click on the Add button to open a screen to add a new role.
  4. Enter all the Roles required by this user for all his/her various supervisor assignments. For example, he/she may need a role granting Approver status to some organization units and/or employees and a role granting Editor status to other organization units and/or employees. For more information, see Steps for Adding an Employee Level Role.

Step 2: Set up the User with a Supervisor Assignment

This step can either be done in the Configuration section or in the employee record of the supervisor. The two methods are described below.

  1. From the Employee record:
    1. From the Employee section, use the Employee Search criteria to locate the employee record of the user.
    2. Select the Supervisor Assignments button in the Employee Sections in the left pane. Note: The Supervisor Assignment button is only available if the employee is already set up with a TA Supervisor role (or PM Supervisor role).
  2. From the Configuration section:
    1. From the Configuration section>Employee card, select the Supervisor Assignment screen.
    2. Click on the Add button to add a new record.
    3. The Employee Search screen is displayed to search for the employee to add as a supervisor. Enter the search criteria, then click on the Search button.
    4. Check the box to the left of the user name to select the record.

Note: Only employees who have already been set up with TA Supervisor roles (or PM Supervisor roles) are displayed on the results listing in this screen. If an employee has already been set up as a supervisor, his/her record is not available in this screen, but must be selected from the Supervisor Search screen. Enter the Supervisor Last Name, Supervisor First Name and Supervisor Code to search for the record.

Step 3: Assign Access to the Selected Organization Unit(s)

  1. Click on the Add Org Unit Assignment button.
  2. In the organization fields, enter the Trunk, Branch, and Leaf (optional) Organization Unit levels of the organization unit where the supervisor is to have approval rights. The options available depend on the structure of your organization.
  3. Select the Classification option from the drop down menu to limit the results of the Authorization Role Code. For example, if Standard is selected for this field, only standard roles will be displayed. Leave this field blank to include all classification options.
  4. Select the appropriate Authorization Role Code (from the right pane). The codes available in this screen have been previously entered through the Roles screen.
  5. Click on the Save button. The supervisor is now assigned to all employees in the organization unit.
  6. To assign the supervisor to additional organization units, repeat steps 1-5.

Step 4: Assign Access to Selected Employees

This step can be used to add access to specific employees within a non-assigned organization unit.

  1. Click on the Add Employee Assignment button.
  2. Select the type of role Classification for this assignment from the drop down menu.
  3. Select the Authorization Role Code that identifies the supervisor access the user should have for the selected employees.
  4. In the Denied field, enter No.
  5. Click on the Continue button in the left pane.
  6. The Employee Search screen is displayed to enter criteria to search for the employee records to be included with this assignment. Click on the Advanced button in the left pane to open a screen with additional search criteria.
  7. Enter Search.
  8. Check the box to the left of each employee's name to select their record.
  9. Click on the Assign Selected button to assign all the selected employee records to this supervisor.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

Authorization Role Code


Organization Units


Supervisor Code

Supervisor First Name

Supervisor Last Name

The following related topics are available:

Steps to Decrease Access Levels to Certain Employees

Steps to Increase the Access Level to Selected Employees

Steps to Remove Access To Selected Employees

Steps for Adding a Supervisor Who Cannot Approve His/Her Own Requests

Authorization Role Code

The level of access of this supervisor for the indicated organization unit or employee. Note: These roles must first be assigned to the supervisors through the Roles screen in their employee record. Then the roles are available in the Field Look Up Values.


Indicates whether access to this employee is denied (Yes/No). This setting can be used to deny access to a single employee (e.g. another supervisor) when the supervisor is given access to an organization unit.

Organization Units

Select the appropriate code for this field. The number of organization unit levels available and the organization unit names displayed depend upon the corporate structure.


The classification of the Authorization Role Code record (e.g. Standard, Customer, User Defined or Replicated).

More About Classification Options

Supervisor Code

The employee identification code of the supervisor.

Supervisor First Name

The first name of the assigned supervisor.

Supervisor Last Name

The last name of the assigned supervisor.