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Transaction Entry

The Transaction Entry button opens the Class Transaction Wizard to post the class information to the employee records of attendees of the class. When each page is completed, click on the Next button to move to the next page. When all pages are completed, click on the Finish button to post the transactions to the employee records.

Note: The Transaction Entry button is only enabled on or after the start date/start time the class is scheduled.

The wizard takes the user through the following pages of configuration:

  1. The first screen of the Class Transaction Wizard displays general information on the class that will be added to the records of all attendees.
  2. The class information is automatically loaded from the General, Classrooms and Instructors screens, but any information can be updated (for instance, the instructor or start/end times can be modified).
  3. The Start Date, Start Time and End Time are filled in with the date and times from the General screen, but can be changed.
  4. The Classroom(s) field is filled in with the information from the Classroom screen, but can be edited.
  5. The Instructor(s) field is filled in with the information from the Instructors screen, but can be edited.

    The Overwrite field value is also defaulted from the course information, but can be updated.

  6. Click on the Next button in the left pane.
  7. The second screen of the Class Transaction Wizard displays attendees who are currently enrolled in the class, as well as employees with an inactive enrollment status.
  8. The Employee Search screen is also available to select additional attendees to assign to this class.
  9. To add attendees to the class, use the Basic search criteria to search for a single employee by name or code, or select the Advanced button to open three tabs of search criteria options to locate multiple employees. Note: For more information on the employee search fields, see the section on Searching for an Employee Record.
  10. Check the box to the left of each employee name to be included in the transaction entry. Click on the Next button.
  11. The final screen of the Class Transaction Wizard lists each attendee separately so that individual information can be entered or updated.
  12. Enter each attendee's Transaction Status and Attendance Status codes. Only attendees with transaction status options that are set with the Passed option set to Yes will satisfy the course requirement.
  13. For each attendee, enter the Score, Credits and/or Hours earned, and Cost.
  14. Click on the Finish button to post these transactions to the employee records and to close this screen.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available:

Attendance Status




End Time



Overwrite (Duplicates)


Start Date

Start Time

Transaction Status

The following additional section options are available in the left pane:








Creating an Education Tracking Class

Attendance Status

The employee's attendance status for this class transaction (e.g. Present, Not Present, etc.)

Note: The options available have been previously set up on the Configuration section>Education Tracking card>Education Attendance Status screen.


The cost in dollars for this employee, if applicable. The value that defaults in the field is the Employee Cost value entered in the Course/Competency configuration screen.


The classroom(s) where the class was held.


The total number of educational credits the employee achieved with this class. The value that defaults in the field is the Credits value entered in the Course/Competency configuration screen.

End Time

The time the class ended, expressed in 24-hour format.

More About Time Value Fields


The total number of education hours the employee achieved with this class. The value that defaults in the field is the Hours value entered in the Course/Competency configuration screen.


The name of instructor(s) who taught the class.

Overwrite (Duplicates)

Indicates whether to overwrite existing data on this same course, if it exists in the employee record (Yes/No).


The test score the employee attained in this class. If there is a minimum score required, the employee must meet or exceed the minimum in order to fulfill the education requirements of this course.

Start Date

The calendar date the class was held.

More About Date Value Fields

Start Time

The starting time of the class, expressed in 24-hour format.

More About Time Value Fields

Transaction Status

The employee's status for this class transaction (i.e. Canceled, Failed, Incomplete, Passed, No Show, or Withdrawn). Note: Only transaction status options with the Passed field set to Yes will fulfill the educational requirements of the course.

If an employee score does not meet or exceed the Minimum Score entered in the course/competency configuration screen, the class status is automatically set to Failed.

Note: The options available have been previously set up on the Configuration section>Education Tracking card>Education Transaction Status screen.

More About Transaction Status Options