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Employee Record - Curriculum

A Curriculum can be assigned directly to an employee through their employee record.

Steps for Adding a Curriculum Requirement to an Employee Record:

  1. From the Employee section, search for the record of the employee to add a curriculum.
  2. Click on the Add Curriculum button in the Employee Sections area on the left pane.
  3. In the Curriculum Code field, enter the name of the curriculum as selected from the Field Look Up Values in the left pane. These values have been previously set up on the Curriculum configuration screen.
  4. Enter the Effective Date when this requirement becomes effective for this employee.
  5. Enter the Expiration Date when this requirement is no longer needed for this employee. If there is no predetermined expiration date, leave this field blank.
  6. Save the record. This requirement is now displayed on the employee Curriculum screen. The Source field displays as Employee to indicate this requirement was directly assigned to the employee record.