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Assignment Defaults Tab

The Assignment Defaults tab opens a screen to set up the information used to determine the expiration rules for this category. The values entered in this screen are defaults for the category and can be modified at the time of assignment.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

Default Carry Over Days

Default Effective Date

Default Expiration Type

Default Fixed Expiration Date

Default Frequency

Default Expiration Date

Default Frequency Value

Default Grace Period

Default Mandatory

End of the Month Expiration

The following additional tabs of information are available in this page:

General Tab

Default Carry Over Days

The defaulted number of days in advance of a requirement expiration period that the employee can start taking courses to complete the requirement.

Default Effective Date

The defaulted effective date of when this category becomes a requirement for applicable employees.

More About Date Value Fields

Default Expiration Type

Determines the default employee expiration cycle for the requirement, whether it is based on a certain date or based on the last time the class was taken.

More About Expiration Type Options

Note: If any course, competency or category assigned to a curriculum requirement expires for an employee, the entire curriculum becomes invalid, and the employee does not meet his or her education requirements.

Default Fixed Expiration Date

The defaulted expiration date of when the category requirement ends, if applicable. If there is no set date to expire this category requirement, leave this field blank.

More About Date Value Fields

Default Frequency

The defaulted time span by which the category expiration dates for employees should be monitored (Day(s), Week(s), Month(s), Year(s), or Once).

Default Expiration Date

The defaulted expiration date of when the category requirement ends, if applicable. If there is no set date to expire this category requirement, leave this field blank.

More About Date Value Fields

Default Frequency Value

Determines the default frequency value for expiration of employee education requirements. The Default Frequency Value number, when combined with the Frequency, determines the amount of time before a requirement must be renewed.

Default Grace Period

The defaulted number of days after expiration of this requirement that the employee is still able to be scheduled. If the requirement has a frequency of Once, this grace period is added to the beginning of the requirement cycle, so employees have X number of days to complete this requirement.

Note: If the frequency of the requirement is anything other than “Once”, this grace period days are never automatically added to the expiration date as it is displayed in the portal. The expiration dates listed are always the true expiration. The Grace Period is taken into consideration when trying to schedule the employee to work after the employee’s eligibility has expired.

If the requirement is a “Once” frequency, there is no end to the person’s eligibility once it has been fulfilled. Therefore, the grace period is applied to the beginning of the cycle. The Eligibility Expiration date displayed for an unfulfilled Once frequency requirement will be the effective date of the requirement plus the number of grace days.

Default Mandatory

The default setting indicating if it is mandatory that the category needs to be completed for the employee to be eligible to be scheduled to work (Yes/No).

Note: When an education requirement's mandatory flag is set to No, that category is still required for the education record, but it is not required for the employee to be scheduled (even when the Education Requirements Qualification rule is applied in the Selection Style for scheduling).

End of the Month Expiration

Indicates whether this category requirement expiration is extended to the last day of the expiration month (Yes/No).

Note: This functionality is only available when the Rolling First or Rolling Last option is selected in the Expiration Category field.