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Directory Service

The Directory Service screen is used to set up information which authorizes access to the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). This allows API Healthcare to communicate with the Directory Service server, where users can access the system based on their network login account.

When the Directory Service is enabled, passwords are set up on the network and not within Time and Attendance and Staffing and Scheduling. When logging into the system, the User Name and Password are authenticated with the Directory Service.

Note: The User Name entered when logging into the system must match the Login Name set up in the employee record on the General screen>Login tab.

Note: The Log on to field is only visible in the login screen if Directory Service has been set up for the organization.

Record Management

Depending on the user's authorization level, the following actions may be available. Note: The options listed below are not available for some screens.

Adding a New Record

Deleting a Record

Editing a Record

Opening and Viewing a Record

Replacing Record Values

Searching for a Record

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to view a description of the fields.


Credential Syntax




Fail Over Directory Service Name

Login Name

LDAP Object Property

Login Password




The platform of the Directory Service, as selected from the drop down menu.

Credential Syntax

This is for the correct syntax for authenticating to Novell Directory Services, and should only be used with the Novell platform (Classification set to Novell).

The value in our example would be: cn={0},o=<context name>

Replace context name with the Directory Service Context Name.


Indicates whether or not this Directory Service option should be the default to appear on the login screen in the Log On To field.


The label describing the Directory Service.


The name for this Directory Service that should appear in the drop down menu in the Log On To field on the login screen.

Fail Over Directory Service Name

Indicates another service to use in the event the main Directory Service is unavailable.

Login Name

The user name that has been granted read-only access to the LDAP user account.

LDAP Object Property

Determines which unique identifier of the login name attribute is being filtered on in the directory tree. For example in Microsoft Active Directory, the default name of the login name attribute is sAMAccountName; for Novell Directory Services the default name is cn. Note: These attribute names can be changed. Verify the correct name of the login name attribute with your network administrator.

Login Password

The password set up for the LDAP read-only user account. Note: Click on the Show Password button in the left pane to access this field.


Alphanumeric short name or abbreviation identifying this Directory Service option.


Enter the LDAP path to the Directory Service. Obtain this information from your Network Administrator. (e.g. LDAP://DC=API,DC=COM). Note: This path is case sensitive and will fail if “ldap” is entered instead of "LDAP".

Action Buttons

The following Action buttons may be available in the left pane, depending on the page that is open:



Hide Password

Delete/Delete Selected

Show Password