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The Standards button opens a screen to configure the number of units for each of the Productivity Standard Categories, and indicate which of these standards is the default.

Depending on the authorization level of the user, the following actions may be available:

Adding a Productivity Standard

Deleting a Productivity Standard

Effective Dating

Effective Dating allows you to change productivity standard information to go into effect on a specific date. The effective dates of these changes can be in the future or the past. Past changes may be restricted in some situations such as when historical data is not available or Pay Groups have been changed.

For example, a change to the Hours/Unit Rate (Units/Hour Rate) field will go into effect at the start of next month. The productivity standard can be configured with the new effective date as soon as it is known. You no longer have to wait until the new effective date to enter this information. Until that new effective date, the existing value is still in effect.

The left pane displays the Timeline for this record. The timeline shown is the version that contains the Search Date (entered on the search parameter screen).

Clicking Add Version creates a new timeline version. You will need to enter an Effective Date for the new version. This date can be in the past or in the future. Click Save Version when finished.

Clicking Delete Version deletes the displayed timeline version.

When adding or deleting versions, the Expiration Date for existing versions will be modified to ensure a continuous timeline.

Clicking Save when editing a timeline version only overwrites the version. It does not create a new version in the timeline.

If available, Indicator and/or Parameter tabs open screens to view settings that determine processing rules specific to the open record.

Note: For more information, see the Configuration section>System card>Indicators screen and/or Parameters screen.

The Audits tab opens a screen to view an audit trail on additions, edits, and deletions to the open record.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available:

Standard Category Code

Coverage Period Code


Hours/Unit or Units/Hour Rate

Dollars/Unit or Units/Dollar Rate

Is Effective

The following additional section options are available in the left pane:



Job Classes


Reporting Categories

Standard Category Code

The Category used by this Productivity Standard. These categories must be previously set up on the Productivity Standard Category configuration screen.

Coverage Period Code

The coverage period these standard values apply to, if applicable. If the standard value is not specific to a coverage period, leave this field blank.


Indicates whether this Standard Category record is the default for the Productivity (Yes/No).

Hours/Unit or Units/Hour Rate

The number of units or hours for the open Standard Category record for this productivity.

Dollars/Unit or Units/Dollar Rate

The budgeted cost per unit or the number of units completed for every dollar spent for the open Standard Category record for this productivity.

This value is used by the Business Analytics Solution to calculate budget and target dollar measures.

Is Effective

A check mark will display for Productivity Standards that are currently active, based on today's date. Select the Effective Records Only option to only display effective Productivity Standards.