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Transactions List View

The Transactions List view option displays details of employee clocking, calendar and/or adjustment transactions for the pay period selected from the Employee Navigator section in the left pane. Depending on the authorization roles assigned, employees may be able to add, edit and/or delete calendar, clocking and adjustment information from this screen.

This information can also be displayed in a Transaction Grid view.

For more information on the fields included in these transactions, refer to the field definition section of Opening and Viewing a Transaction List Record.

The Quick Code, the trunk-level code (Facility in the previous image), and the Shift Answer (used with the Lunch Attestation feature), are not shown initially on the Transaction List. To enable them, update indicators System Standard 20-22 in the Web application (Configuration > Application > search for Web).

The following symbols may be displayed on the Transactions screen:

Adjustment -passing to payroll interface

Indicates an adjustment entry to the employee timecard which will be passing to the payroll interface.

Adjustment - not passing to payroll interface

Indicates an adjustment entry to the employee timecard which is not passing to the payroll interface.

Adjustment - undetermined

Indicates an adjustment entry to the employee timecard which has not been determined whether it is passing to the payroll interface.


Indicates a calendar entry, showing non-productive time.


Indicates a clocking in the exception area of the Time Card Screen. This icon also is displayed when a clocking has been manually entered and has not yet been calculated and determined to be either an IN or OUT punch.


In Punch


This icon indicates a clocking entry that has been determined by the system to be an In punch.


Out Punch


These icons indicate a clocking entry that has been determined by the system to be an OUT punch.

Critical Exception

Indicates a serious issue with an employee timecard. The timecard cannot be approved until this exception has been resolved. An example of a critical exception is "An Odd Clocking was detected".

Warning Exception

Indicates a moderate issue in an employee timecard. The timecard can still be approved, however, the employee may not be paid as they expect. An example of a warning exception is "Hours reported in excess of Approved Hours in the pay period."

Informational Exception

Indicates a relatively minor issue in an employee timecard. The timecard can still be approved if this exception is not resolved. An example of an informational exception would be if an employee clocked in at an unauthorized badge reader.

Pending Exception

Indicates exceptions that will be displayed in the future if the employee's time card data does not change. Pending exceptions are determined by the (Calcs) process and stored with the record but not displayed until the day after the day associated with the record.


Indicates there is a note attached to this transaction. This icon is also displayed if there is a Reason attached to a request. Hover the cursor over the icon to display the predefined note code and also the user who assigned it.


Auto Retro Adjustment

Indicates the transaction was the result of an automatic retro adjustment.


Badge Reader

Indicates the original transaction resulted from swiping a badge at the badge reader. Shows the badge reader number used for the transaction and the description of the reader (in the tooltip).


Core Schedule

Indicates an entry on the schedule screen that was automatically generated during a Core scheduling pass.


Education Tracking Reader

Indicates the transaction was entered through an Education Tracking reader (for an education transaction class).



Indicates this was added via a DeductIT transaction.


Home Health Care

Indicates this is a Home Health Care transaction.


Data Import

Indicates this transaction is from imported data.



Indicates this is a transaction from a legacy system.



Indicates this transaction was added via a mobile device. Shows the beacon number used for the transaction.


Manual Retro Adjustment

Indicates the transaction was manually entered.


Needs-Based Schedule

Indicates an entry on the schedule screen that was automatically generated during a Needs-based scheduling pass.


Open Shift Notification

Indicates the transaction was generated from an Open Shift Notification.


Education Tracking Download

Indicates this transaction is from a download to Education Tracking.


Patient Classification

Indicates the transaction was added via the Patient Classification interface.


Cash Register

Indicates this transaction originated from a cash register (for DeductIT).


Retro Edit

Indicates the transaction was edited retroactively.


Manually Added Schedule

Indicates the transaction was manually added or updated on the schedule.



Indicates the transaction was added via the ShiftSelect interface.



Indicates this is transaction resulting from a schedule trade.


Request to Work

Indicates this transaction was entered as a result of a request to work.



Indicates the transaction was called in using the TimeCall feature.


Quick Badge

Indicates the transaction was entered through the portal through the Quick Badge feature.



Indicates this data was added via the Staffer interface.


Schedule Incentive (formerly Schedule Bidding)

Indicates this is a transaction resulting from Schedule Incentive.



Indicates the transaction was automatically generated by the system, for example, creating a matching out punch when a new special code is entered



Indicates a clocking or calendar within the selected pay period that was reassigned to a new Labor Distribution by the system.

Note: The reassign process is called directly by the Employee Download or Replication processes when a new Home Labor Distribution is created, or when a new Labor Distribution is created in the Employee Record via the Web Portal. Transactions associated with the old home labor distribution on or after the new home labor distribution are updated to the new home labor distribution information.



Indicates the transaction was manually entered.


Conversion, Upgrade

Indicates the input results from data from the conversion process.



An asterisk with the source symbol indicates that details of the transaction have been updated. For example, if the time or organization unit was changed or a special code was added, the asterisk would appear.


The following actions are available in the left pane to authorized users for handling employee transactions.

To update the status of a transaction, check the box on the record and click on the selected action button listed below.

Approve Selected

Cancel Selected

Delete Selected

Deny Selected

Pending Review Selected

Pool Approve Selected

Pool Unapprove Selected

Set Requested Selected

The following related topics are available:

Adding a New Calendar/Clocking/Adjustment Entry via the Transaction List

Opening and Viewing a Transaction List Record