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Open Shift Notifications

Note: This functionality is only available if your system is licensed for Open Shift Notification.

Open Shift Notifications gives you the ability to broadcast shift needs from within the Current Staffing Overview. Messages are sent to the selected employees via the broadcast methods decided upon by your organization. These methods may include a text message, an email, or a call from the interactive voice response system. Each message includes instructions on how to reply to the message to accept the shift. If an employee does not want to work the available shift, no action is required; they can disregard the message.

Depending on how your organization chooses to broadcast open shifts, employees who respond can either be accepted on a first come, first serve basis or be placed into a queue to be scheduled for the shift.

Subscribe to Open Shift Event Notifications

Managers can receive event subscription notifications for their broadcasted shifts. There are two event subscriptions that you can subscribe to: when an employee accepts a shift and when open shifts are filled.

Note: You need a role assigned with the Open Shift Notifications policy, such as the SS Staffer role (or its equivalent replicated role).

To subscribe to the event subscriptions, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Preferences > My Preferences > Event Subscriptions and expand the Staffing card.
  2. As needed, select the Portal and Email options.

    You will receive a notification whenever an event occurs for a shift that you broadcasted.

  3. Click Save.

Broadcast open shifts

Instead of immediately scheduling an employee to an open shift, you can broadcast the available shift to a group of employees. The employees receive a notification about the shift and can reply if they are interested in working it.

To send an Open Shift Notification broadcast, complete the following steps.

  1. If needed, change the day and coverage period.
  2. Click the Qualified Staff tab.
  3. Select the profile.
    1. Click a profile group, such as RN.
    2. In the expanded profile area, select a profile, such as RN2.

      A list of employees who are qualified to work appears in the list.

  4. If needed, you can filter, sort, and compare employees to decide who will receive the broadcast message.

    For more information about the employee list, see Qualified Staff tab.

  5. From the Qualified Staff list or the Compare Staff dialog box, select the employees you want to send the Open Shift Notification to.
  6. Click Broadcast or the broadcast icon from the Compare Staff dialog box.
  7. In the Broadcast Shift dialog box, fill out the broadcast details.
  8. Click Submit.

    Depending on how your organization has decided to handle schedule validation, you may or may not receive schedule validation alerts. If schedule validation (which uses the manual edit validation style) is enabled and there are validation issues, you can override the issues. As needed, select the ones you want to Override and click OK.

    The open shifts are broadcast to the employees you selected. The Broadcast Shift dialog closes and the broadcast icon appears on the corresponding profile row. For more information about this icon, see "View and edit previously sent Open Shift broadcasts" below.

    You can also view details of previous broadcasts on the Broadcast Summary.

View and edit previously sent Open Shift broadcasts

You can view the details of a previously sent broadcast and, if needed, make changes, such as adding employees, removing employees, and deleting a broadcast.

Note: You can only view and edit open broadcasts for future shifts. Broadcasts that are closed or were for shifts occurring in the past do not have the broadcast icon and cannot be edited.

To view and edit a broadcast, complete the following steps.

  1. Expand the appropriate profile group with the broadcast you want to view.
  2. On a profile row, click the broadcast icon.

    The Broadcast Shift dialog box appears.

    Most of the details are read only. Near the bottom are two tabs: Notified and Qualified.

  3. To remove an employee from an Open Shift broadcast:
    1. Click the Notified tab.
    2. Select the employees you want to remove from the broadcast.

      You can select employees with open statuses, such as Queued or Awaiting Response.

      Employees who have already been scheduled through the broadcast (with statuses such as Scheduled or Claimed) cannot be selected. They keep their schedules.

    3. Click Remove Employee.
  4. To schedule an employee from a Queue type of broadcast:
    1. Click the Notified tab.
    2. To make it easier to see only the employees you can schedule, click the Show only Queued Responses option.

      Note: Scheduling employees is only done with the Queue type of broadcast since the First Come First Serve type of broadcast allows employees to schedule shifts directly via their responses.

    3. Select the employees with a status of Queued who you want to schedule.
    4. Click Schedule.
  5. To add additional employees to a broadcast:
    1. Click the Qualified tab.
    2. Select the employees you want to add to the Open Shift broadcast.
    3. Click Add Employee.

      The open shifts are broadcast to the employees you selected.

  6. To delete the broadcast, click Delete.

    Employees with open statuses, such as Queued or Awaiting Response, can no longer respond to the broadcast or be scheduled a shift sent in the broadcast.

    Employees who have already been scheduled through the broadcast (with statuses such as Scheduled or Claimed) keep their scheduled shifts. Their schedules are not deleted.

View Open Shift Notification reports

There are several reports that supply information about Open Shift Notification.

The following related topics are available:

Broadcast Summary