Using Grant and Project Tracking

Grant and Project Tracking can be used in a number of ways. The following table provides the most common methods.

Method of Using Grant or Project Codes

How It Works

Employee Actions

Corresponding Section In This Guide

One existing labor distribution with a grant or project code attached

All clockings applied to labor distribution are associated with the grant or project

Employee clocks normally, no other action required


Second labor distribution with a grant or project attached (original labor distribution has no grant or project attached)

Clockings applied to original labor distribution have no grant or project associated with it. Clockings applied to second labor distribution are associated with the grant or project.

Employee selects the correct labor distribution when clocking, depending on whether or not it is a grant or project shift


Using Auto Labor Distributions with one existing labor distribution

Clockings automatically get divided between grant or project time and standard time

Employee clocks normally, no other action required


Using Auto Labor Distributions with two (or more) labor distributions

Clockings automatically get divided between home labor distribution (standard time) and alternate labor distribution (grant or project time)

Employee clocks normally, no other action required


Clocking by using Quick Codes

System identifies all the labor distribution information, including the associated grant or project code

Employee enters appropriate Quick Code on the Quick Badge screen or at the badge reader only when working a grant or project shift

Enter Clocking Using Quick Badge or

Enter Clocking at a Badge Reader

Clocking by using Quick Badge, badge reader, or TimeCall

Employee sees a grant or project prompt when clocking

Employee selects a grant or project code when it is a grant or project shift. If it is a standard shift, employee clocks normally and no other action is required.

Enter Clocking Using Quick Badge or

Enter Clocking at a Badge Reader

Employee enters a clocking request

Employee adds a grant or project code when adding a clocking request

Clocking request

Enter Clocking Request on TCS

Topics in this section

Add the Grant or Project Details Card

Exceptions for Inactive Grants or Projects

Enter Clocking Using Quick Badge

Enter Clocking at a Badge Reader or Time Clock

Enter Clocking Using TimeCall

Enter Clocking Request on TCS