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Staffing by Profile

The Staffing by Profile distribution table determines the staffing needs by downloading patient care hours calculated by a third-party patient classification and acuity system. These hours are already distributed to specific Profile Groups. The staffing distribution table further divides up the hours by percentage between profiles included in the Profile Groups.

The formula for calculating profile hours for a coverage period is Profile Hours * Profile Distribution Percent

Note: The Profile Groups must be previously set up as Codes on the Census Classification screen, in the Configuration Section>Staffing Card.

Note: The profiles available in this table must first be selected on the Profiles section screen of the Staffing Configuration table.

Creating a Staffing by Profile Record

To create a Staffing by Profile record, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Staffing Configuration table for the required organization unit using the search features.
  2. On the General tab, make sure the Staffing by Profile option has been chosen in the Census Category field.
  3. Select the Staffing Distributions section button in the left pane. A record is displayed for every acuity level, as entered in the Number of Acuity Levels field on the General screen. The number to the left of the record indicates the acuity level.
  4. Click the card arrow on the first record to open it.
  5. Separate cards are listed for each profile group, such as LIC - Licensed Care and UNLIC - Non-licensed care. The profile group names configured for this organization unit should be the same as exist in the third-party patient classification/acuity tracking system.
  6. Enter the percentage of the total hours which should be awarded to each profile in the profile group. For example, 20% of the total LIC hours could be distributed to the LPN's and 80% to the RN's.
  7. Optional. If you need to set a profile as static, select Yes in the Is Static Profile field.

    A static profile is one that always needs to be filled with one FTE regardless of census and whose hours should not be considered when calculating how the hours of need are dividing among profiles.

    Example: In Department ABC, the number of nurses fluctuates depending on the census. The Charge Nurse provides patient care but only one is needed, regardless of census. The Charge Nurse profile would be considered a static profile.

    For more information, see the Static Profile Explanation section that follows.

  8. Be sure to configure all the coverage period tabs.
  9. Click on the Save button to save the record.
  10. If there are multiple acuity levels for this organization unit, complete steps 4-8 above for each record.

    Note: Profile records must have the parameter Profile Group (SS Solution Standard Alpha 1) set up to match a profile group coming from the download file. Only profiles with this parameter set up are included in the Profile Distribution cards when configuring this screen. For example, the profiles 12500-LPN and 12500-RN are set up with the LIC profile group entered in the parameter field. Only these profiles are available for distribution of hours from the LIC bucket in the download.


The label describing the distribution record. This label is displayed when running the Recalculate Staffing Needs wizard, to indicate which record to enter the hours values (if manually entering the hours).

Percent Value (Profile Distribution)

The percentage of the total patient care that should be distributed to the specified profile. These hours are divided between all the profiles with the matching Profile Group.

Static Profile Explanation

Many employees provide patient care, such as Staff Nurses. However, the organization unit may require other employees, such as a Charge Nurse, to provide full-time or part-time patient care, but would not staff the profile based on census. The unit only needs one Charge Nurse. However, the Charge Nurse's hours must be subtracted from the total hours downloaded to Staffing and Scheduling so that those hours are not part of the calculation that distributes hours to profiles that do fluctuate based on census.

Example: 40 hours of need are passed to Staffing and Scheduling. One Charge Nurse is required for the 8-hour coverage period. Eight hours need to be applied to the Charge Nurse profile and subtracted from the total hours before the hours are divided among the other profiles.

To accommodate both of these scheduling situations, the Staffing by Profiles category allows you to set it up for:

Setting up static profiles allows you to define the percentage of hours that need to be removed from the total hours. This allows the calculation to subtract an accurate number of hours from the total.


A Charge Nurse provides patient care for the full eight hours of the shift. The percentage is 100%.

A Charge Nurse provides patient care for half of the hours in a 12-hour night shift. The percentage is 50%.

The Process

  1. Hours are downloaded to Staffing and Scheduling.
  2. The process looks for a static profile within the profile group.
  3. The process looks at the static profile's Profile Percent Value and determines the Calculated Static Hours value (the number of hours for the static profile).

    Calculated Static Hours value = hours in coverage period * Profile Percent Value

  4. The Acuity Calculated Static Hours is determined.

    Acuity Calculated Static Hours = Calculated Static Hours / number of acuity levels

  5. Acuity Calculated Static Hours hours are subtracted from the total hours for each acuity level.
  6. The remaining hours are divided among non-static profiles.
  7. The hours are converted to a need value.

    profile hours / hours in coverage period = Need

Example 1:

Department ABC has three 8-hour coverage periods (DEN)

Profile Group = RN

Profiles in Profile Group = RN1, RN2, ChargeRN

Charge Nurse is static, others are not

Profile Percent Value settings:

· RN1 = 75%

· RN2 = 25%

· ChargeRN = 100% (static)

Acuity Levels = 2

Hours downloaded by acuity level:

· Level 1 = 40

· Level 2 = 60

1. Hours are downloaded (Level 1 = 40, Level 2 = 60).

2. The process looks for and finds one static profile (ChargeRN).

3. The process looks at the static profile's Profile Percent Value and determines the Calculated Static Hours value.

· Calculated Static Hours value = hours in coverage period * Profile Percent Value

· Calculated Static Hours = 8 * 100% = 8

4. The Acuity Calculated Static Hours is determined.

· Acuity Calculated Static Hours = Calculated Static Hours / number of acuity levels

· Acuity Calculated Static Hours = 8 / 2 = 4

5. Acuity Calculated Static Hours hours are subtracted from the total hours for each acuity level.

Level 1 hours - Acuity Calculated Static Hours = remaining hours

· 40 - 4 = 36 remaining hours

Level 2 hours - Acuity Calculated Static Hours = remaining hours

· 60 - 4 = 56 remaining hours

6. The remaining hours are divided among non-static profiles.

Level 1 remaining hours * each profile's Profile Percent Value = hours assigned to profile

· 36 * 75% = 27 hours for RN1 profile

· 36 * 25% = 9 hours for RN2 profile

Level 2 remaining hours * each profile's Profile Percent Value = hours assigned to profile

· 56 * 75% = 42 hours for RN1 profile

· 56 * 25% = 14 hours for RN2 profile

7. The hours are converted to a need value.

profile hours / hours in coverage period = Need

· 27 / 8 = 3.4 RN1 Need

· 9 / 8 = 1.1 RN2 Need

· 42 / 8 = 5.3 RN1 Need

· 14 / 8 = 1.8 RN2 Need

Therefore, the Need for the 8-hour coverage period is:

· 3.4 + 5.3 = 8.7 RN1

· 1.1 + 1.8 = 2.9 RN2

· 1 ChargeRN (the static profiles always receive a Need of 1)

Example 2:

Department DEF has two 12-hour coverage periods (DN)

Profile Group = RN

Profiles in Profile Group = RN1, RN2, ChargeRN

Charge Nurse is static, others are not

Profile Percent Value settings:

· RN1 = 75%

· RN2 = 25%

· ChargeRN = 50% (static).The Charge Nurse provides patient care during 50% of the shift.

Acuity Levels = 2

Hours downloaded by acuity level:

· Level 1 = 40

· Level 2 = 60

1. Hours are downloaded (Level 1 = 40, Level 2 = 60).

2. The process looks for and finds one static profile (ChargeRN).

3. The process looks at the static profile's Profile Percent Value and determines the Calculated Static Hours value.

· Calculated Static Hours value = hours in coverage period * Profile Percent Value

· Calculated Static Hours = 12 * 50% = 6

4. The Acuity Calculated Static Hours is determined.

· Acuity Calculated Static Hours = Calculated Static Hours / number of acuity levels

· Acuity Calculated Static Hours = 6 / 2 = 3

5. Acuity Calculated Static Hours hours are subtracted from the total hours for each acuity level.

Level 1 hours - Acuity Calculated Static Hours = remaining hours

· 40 - 3 = 37 remaining hours

Level 2 hours - Acuity Calculated Static Hours = remaining hours

· 60 - 3 = 57 remaining hours

6. The remaining hours are divided among non-static profiles.

Level 1 remaining hours * each profile's Profile Percent Value = hours assigned to profile

· 37 * 75% = 27.75 hours for RN1 profile

· 37 * 25% = 9.25 hours for RN2 profile

Level 2 remaining hours * each profile's Profile Percent Value = hours assigned to profile

· 57 * 75% = 42.75 hours for RN1 profile

· 57 * 25% = 14.25 hours for RN2 profile

7. The hours are converted to a need value.

profile hours / hours in coverage period = Need

· 27.75 / 12 = 2.3 RN1 Need

· 9.25 / 12 = 0.8 RN2 Need

· 42.75 / 12 = 3.6 RN1 Need

· 14.25 / 12 = 1.2 RN2 Need

Therefore, the Need for the 12-hour coverage period is:

· 2.3 + 3.6 = 5.9 RN1

· 0.8 + 1.2 = 2.0 RN2

· 1 ChargeRN (the static profiles always receive a Need of 1)