The Staffing Distributions section button opens a screen to define the staffing requirements for the organization unit based on actual patient census and acuity. This information is used by the system to update required staffing levels.
For example, the schedule is initially staffed using the staffing levels set up on the Staffing Template or Core Staffing Template. These staffing levels are based on the projected patient census and acuity. On the current date, the staffing levels may need to be adjusted due to unusually high or unusually low actual patient census and/or acuity.
The actual patient census or patient care hours may be imported from a third party patient classification system (PCS) or the information can be manually entered into the system using the Recalculate Staffing Needs feature.
Note: The Staffing Distributions button is only enabled if a Census Category has been selected on the General screen and the
Number of Acuity Levels entered.
Note: The profiles listed on the Staffing Distribution screen are those that were previously selected on the Profiles section screen. Note: For more information on adding or removing a profile from the list, see Adding a Profile and/or
Deleting a Profile.
Depending on the Census Category selected, the appropriate table is displayed to set up the staffing needs. The following Census Category options are available:
Determines the staffing needs by patient census. A matrix is created for each acuity level to indicate the number of staff needed for each profile for the indicated range of patient census. |
Determines the staffing needs by a formula using the Hours Per Patient Day value and calculating the needs for each acuity level, coverage period and profile. |
Determines the staffing needs by downloading patient care hours calculated by a third-party acuity system. The staffing distribution table further divides up the hours by percentage between selected profiles in the organization unit. |
Determines the staffing needs by downloading patient care hours calculated by a third-party acuity system. These hours are already distributed to specific profile groups. The staffing distribution table further divides up the hours by percentage between profiles included in the Profile Groups. |
Determines the staffing needs by a weighted patient census. A matrix is created for each acuity level to indicate the number of staff needed for each profile for the indicated range of weighted patient census. |